Effective Date: January 04, 2022
The sole purpose of this website (“Website”) is to provide information regarding the potential financing capabilities of Josef Nejedly Consultancy, Experience you can trust, Service you can count on, Together we can make a difference. for prospective portfolio companies and for individuals considering possible employment with our firm. The information provided on this website, including information regarding current and historical portfolio companies, is not intended to recommend any company or investment described herein. No material on this website shall be used or considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of any offer to buy the securities or services of Josef Nejedly Consultancy, Experience you can trust, Service you can count on, Together we can make a difference. or any other issuer. Offers can only be made where lawful under, and in compliance with, applicable law. This website may not identify all current or prior Josef Nejedly Consultancy, Experience you can trust, Service you can count on, Together we can make a difference. portfolio companies for confidentiality or other reasons.

Josef Nejedly Consultancy, Experience you can trust, Service you can count on, Together we can make a difference. provides investment advisory services only to privately offered Josef Nejedly Consultancy, Experience you can trust, Service you can count on, Together we can make a difference. funds. Insight does not solicit or make its services available to the public or other advisory clients. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results and it should not be assumed that results for historic portfolio investments will be achieved for other investments.